Winter Health for Carers and the Elderly

It’s incredibly important that at this time of year we make sure our winter health is our top priority. Here’re are six ways to ensure we’re being safe.
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Winter Health for Carers and the Elderly

It's incredibly important that at this time of year we make sure that our winter health is our top priority. The cold weather can put the elderly at risk, which in-turn places even more pressure on the NHS.

Flu and Covid are more likely to affect us this time of year. Therefore, it's important to look after your health this winter.

Temperatures are already plummeting to two degrees or even less in the mornings and evenings. The cold affects older people the most due to their frail bodies and various medical conditions.

To avoid winter deaths where preventable, we need to understand the causes and ways we can fix some of the issues. Here are our 'Top Six Winter Health Tips' for carers and elderly people to put into practice.

Top Six Winter Health Tips

Flu Jab

If you are elderly, or a carer or relative of someone elderly or with respiratory disease, you should talk to your GP about getting the flu jab or a Covid booster. These jabs can make the difference between a mild illness and something life-threatening. If you have any symptoms of flu or illness, please keep away from elderly relatives or people you care for where possible.

Warmer Homes

Many suffer illness because they can't afford to fuel their homes to keep warm during winter. For the elderly, this can be very dangerous to their health. Look into the Winter Fuel Payment from the government that you may be entitled to.

Other ways of keeping the house warm include keeping your curtains closed in the evenings, insulation, keeping your doors closed and rolling out the rugs on wooden floors. Wearing warm clothing is also essential, especially at night. Be sure to wear thermal socks and long pyjamas in bed, alongside a hot water bottle if you're really feeling the chill.

Nutrition and Exercise

Good meals and hydration are incredibly important to our winter health. You need more energy to keep your body warm, which you will get from plenty of vegetables in winter. Keeping active in old age will also help keep your body and mind healthy.

Well Maintained Homes

Many people are unaware that their homes could be damaging to their health due to damp or poor insulation losing their heat. Damp is especially dangerous and can causes severe respiratory problems.

Preventing Falls

Falls are very common in the elderly during winter, when pavements can be slippery underfoot and illness may weaken physical strength. At home, remove any trip hazards from the floor and take your time whilst moving around the house.

A Careline Alarm will ensure that if you fall in the home, or in your garden someone can respond almost immediately and you won't be left alone in the cold.

Shared Care

If you're a carer and you get sick, who will check on your loved one? It's good to have a backup plan so that you can have resting time in winter whilst knowing your elderly loved one are cared for.

A Careline for All Year Round

Would you like to learn more about us and our Careline alarms? Our service helps people to live worry-free in their own homes whilst providing comfort and peace of mind for friends and loved ones.

Call our friendly team today on 0800 030 8777 (for free) or alternatively you can order online.