Retirement is the time to focus on what brings you joy and fulfilment. What better way to achieve this than by learning a new skill? Learning something new also keeps the mind sharp and allows you a little downtime from the stress of everyday life.
We know it can be difficult when you want to learn a new skill but don't know where to start or what to do. So, with this in mind, we have compiled a list of some of the most popular skills to learn in retirement.
7 New Skills to Learn in Retirement
Without further ado, let's take a look at 7 of the best new skills you can learn in retirement. Whether you fancy yourself a renowned academic or a fitness guru, there's something for everybody in our list.

Learning a New Language
A new language is one of the most popular skills to learn. Many people like to spend their older years travelling the world. In this case, being multilingual is particularly useful. You might think your language-learning days are behind you. However, the belief that you can only pick up a new language as a child is a myth. There are hundreds of ways to get started with this new skill, no matter your age. From weekly classes and apps for your phone or tablet to a good old-fashioned phrasebook, the possibilities are endless.
Here are some of the languages which English-speakers find easiest to learn:
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Norwegian
- Italian
- Swedish
- French
This is a fantastic way to breath a little life into old furniture. You can use a variety of fabrics and materials to create the new from the old. What's more, there are endless websites that can give you step-by-step guides on how to do it. Not only is it good to let your creative side shine, but it’s also good for the planet to recycle old things instead of throwing them away. Upcycling can also give you an opportunity to declutter: it's not just about making things look new again, it also means making practical alterations to your furniture.
Learning to Play a Musical Instrument
There is no time like the present to begin learning to play a new instrument. A new study recently found that learning a new skill like music in older age can actually improve your brain health. With modern technology, there are plenty of ways you can do this. If you can already read music then there is no reason you can't begin learning to play a new instrument today. For those who can't, there are endless books and websites to help you learn. However, many musicians argue that you don't need to read sheet music in order to learn an instrument. From guitar tabs to visual piano tutorials, the world of music is more accessible than ever. Why not start learning your favourite song or serenade someone special?
Studying a New Subject

Retirement is a fantastic time to begin studying a new subject. The internet now allows everyone the same access to the same information which makes learning a new topic easier than it used to be. Websites such as Google Scholar help to gain access to academic and peer-reviewed journals and books. There are also plenty of online courses you can take from diplomas to degrees. Learning online also means that you can go at your own pace and can work from the comfort of your own home.
The Open University has a huge range of courses on offer. From biology to business and economics to English, why not dive back in to education?
Computer Skills
Computer skills are particularly useful in this day and age, as the computer can give you access to all kinds of knowledge, communities and products. Being able to navigate your own computer will make it a lot easier to keep in contact with family and friends online. It can also help you take care of things like banking, shopping and booking a trip away. Computer skills also help if you have or want to get a smartphone as many of the techniques are transferable. This is probably one of the most useful things you can learn today. If you are just getting started in the online world, make sure you know how to stay safe online.
There is no time like the present to get into a healthy lifestyle. Retirement is a great opportunity to find a form of exercise that you really enjoy. For many people, yoga is a great place to start because it encompasses the mind and the body into one routine. It is a popular form of mindfulness which can help you improve your flexibility and balance as well as your mental health. Yoga is all about knowing your body's limits and working within them, not against them. This means you can do as little or as much as you like as often as you like. Furthermore, the more you practice the easier it will get. This new skill will allow you to strengthen your body over time with little risk of injury.
Creative Writing
Many of us have thought about writing for a long time now, whether as a career choice or just for fun. Creative writing is a great pastime and an easy skill to begin learning. Planning is the best way to start. Consider what you want to write about and how you want to express it. Plans help you organise your process, which is particularly helpful if you are writing a large piece like a novel. Remember, you no longer have to be a recognised writer to get your books published. These days you can self-publish fairly easily through platforms like Amazon. On the other hand, if fiction isn't your thing, why not start up your own online blog or write a newsletter for your local community?
Careline Alarms
Careline is able to offer additional support to the elderly and vulnerable living at home. Our alarms mean that you can get help when you need it most. Our team is always on hand to answer any questions you may have.
You can get in touch by calling us on 0808 304 5083. Alternatively, you can email us at or fill in the Contact Us form on our website.