Energy efficiency is a hot topic, particularly during the colder months of the year. The additional cost of heating can be a strain on your winter energy bill if you don’t clamp down on it. Keeping a warm, dry home is also really important for your health in the winter. Here are some ideas on how to make your home more energy efficient, and ways to help you save on your bill.
Do-It-Yourself Energy Savers
There are some very easy, small things you can do yourself to improve the overall energy efficiency of your home. While they may be small changes to your daily routine, they can add up to significant savings over the year.
Switching Appliances Off Standby
Turning off appliances at the wall when they’re not in use could potentially save £30 on your annual energy bill. You can turn off most household appliances at the wall without upsetting the programming, but if you’re unsure, just check the user guide for the appliance.
If you have an older home, you may want to look into DIY draught-proofing to help save on your heating bill. You can purchase draught excluding tape, draught seals, and other tools to help with this at your local hardware store. Alternatively, you could hire a professional to do the job. It’s estimated that draught-proofing your home could save around £20 to £35 a year.
Saving On Hot Water
Hot water contributes to a large portion of a household’s energy bill. Here are a few helpful ideas to save:
- Invest in fitting a water-efficient showerhead to reduce hot water usage
- Save on hot water by only using your dishwasher for full loads
- Do smaller loads of washing up in a bowl rather than filling the whole kitchen sink
- Only boil the kettle with the amount of hot water you actually need
Financial Assistance You May Be Eligible For To Help Your Energy Efficiency
Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for additional financial assistance. The below programmes are available to certain households to help towards their heating bill.
Winter Fuel Payment
This year, the Winter Fuel Payment offers a payment of between £250 to £600 for heating in the winter. You may be eligible if you were born on or before 25 September 1957 and you get the State Pension or another Social Security Benefit.
Warm Home Discount
The Warm Home Discount is a one-off discount of £150 on your winter energy bill between October and March. It is deducted directly from your bill rather than being paid to you, so if you find the above tips on energy efficiency too difficult, then this is the one for you. If you claim the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit or are on a low income, and your energy supplier is part of the scheme, then you may qualify for the discount.
Cold Weather Payment
A Cold Weather Payment could be available this year if the temperature drops to below freezing in your local area for seven days in a row. This is an extra payment of £25 for every seven day period, available to some people who receive benefits. You don’t need to apply – people who are eligible will be paid automatically.
Renewable Energy And Insulation
Renewable energy technology and home insulation are a couple of other great ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency. While they may be more costly upfront, they create significant savings long term and have a better overall impact on the environment.
Installing renewable energy technology in your home can significantly reduce your energy bills. As a bonus, you could even earn extra income by selling the surplus energy you generate back to your energy provider.
There are many different ways you can insulate your home to reduce heat loss. This can have a big impact on lowering your heating bills and making your home warmer.

Switching Energy Supplier
Switching your energy supplier could result in substantial savings on your energy bill. The Citizens Advice Bureau has an excellent Price Comparison Tool, which you can use to check you are receiving the best deal with your current supplier.
Careline Personal Alarms
If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one over the winter, a Careline personal alarm could provide added comfort and peace of mind in your home. If you are feeling unwell, help is just a push of a button away. For more information please contact our friendly team on 0800 030 8777 or email