Pets can be a valuable source of companionship for the elderly. However, it’s important that your loved ones choose the right breed. This is because older age can often lead to lower energy and increased vulnerability to medical conditions. Therefore, a calm dog breed may be the best option for your elderly loved one’s wellbeing. With that in mind, we have created this list of the calmest dog breeds for elderly owners.
Nature vs Nurture
Though there are certainly breeds of dogs with calmer temperaments, not all dogs are alike. Two puppies from the same litter, for example, could display very different personalities. One may prefer to sleep all day, whilst another could crave repeated runs in a field.
However, the way animals are raised will also impact their behaviour. Choosing the right dog breed could make it easier to train them into being the perfect companion. Fortunately, there are some breeds that are known for their laid-back nature, and these are the breeds we have listed here.
Calmest Dog Breeds for Elderly Owners
Golden Retriever
Being perhaps one of the most popular of all dog breeds, it should come as no surprise that golden retrievers tend to be amongst the more laid-back breeds. In fact, alongside Labradors – more on them later – golden retrievers are amongst the leading options as service dogs. Guide and hearing dogs are required to be calm and patient, which says a lot about the temperament of these dogs.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Though small, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a lot of character, yet could be the perfect companion for your elderly loved one. For much of the day, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will be happy to curl up on your lap, only requiring short walks or a run around in the garden. The breed are considered to be cuddly, too, which can be ideal for boosting the mood after a long day.
Pronounced ‘show-low-itz-queent-ly’, but also known as a Xolo, this is a breed you may not be familiar with. However, it is known as a laid-back breed that won’t leave fur all over the house. This is because the Xolo doesn’t have much fur at all. In fact, some varieties of the breed are completely hairless. Though relaxed, they do like a lot of attention, so may be suitable for your more active loved ones.
Irish Wolfhound
Though a large breed, the big body of the Irish Wolfhound belies its relaxed nature. These are known to be loyal dogs that will stick by your side. They’re also great with children, displaying patience and rarely getting too excited. This is good news, as such a large dog could easily bowl someone over. Fortunately, the Irish Wolfhound prefers to lie down on a rug than charge around the home, making them one of the calmest dog breeds.

There are two breeds of corgi – the Cardigan and Pembroke – but both are relaxed and love attention. They are at their happiest when with people and have playful temperaments, whilst remaining low maintenance. As a small breed, they make for great lap dogs, though their small legs may mean they need some extra assistance to get up in the first place.
When you think of a greyhound, you probably picture slender dogs sprinting down a racetrack. Yet this breed is naturally laid-back and calm. Older members of the breed, especially, are happy to sleep for hours at a time whilst also enjoying attention from their owners. For elderly owners looking for a laid-back dog, a greyhound could be the ideal choice.
Tibetan Spaniel
This breed has a history going back over 2,000 years. According to the Tibetan Spaniel Network, the Tibetan Spaniel was bred and owned by Buddhist monks, who kept them as companions and lookouts. The modern variety of the breed tends to be most comfortable sitting on the backs of chairs, where they can keep an eye on their territory. However, they are also very affectionate lapdogs, and will only become excited when they notice something unusual.
Labrador Retriever
With a reputation for their friendly but relaxed nature, Labradors are amongst the most popular dog breeds in the world. In fact, they routinely win the title of Most Popular Dog in America and rank highly amongst the most popular dog breeds in the UK. Ask any owner and you will quickly understand why. They are an intelligent breed, ideal for many service roles, and are amongst the leading choices for deaf and/or blind owners. Friendly and gentle, Labradors tends to know the limits and display ample affection. Whilst your loved one might not stand out from the crowd, they will have a calm companion whether at home or out for a walk.
Responsible Ownership
When choosing a dog, it’s important to consider your loved one’s limits. Will they be able to walk a larger dog often? Do they have the time to train them? One of the biggest considerations you will have to make is whether to buy a puppy or rehome an older dog.
This is a decision your loved one will need to make for themselves. However, it is important to consider than an older dog will have likely received all its vaccinations. Its lower energy may also mean it tends to be more laid back. However, an older dog may also develop health complications. A puppy, meanwhile, will require more training and may prove more expensive to pay for.
Make sure you and your loved one are entirely confident with the decision before getting a dog. Responsible ownership is key to owning one of the calmest dog breeds that provides the companionship your loved one is looking for.
Peace of Mind from Careline365
It’s important to know our loved ones are in safe hands even when we’re not around. A personal alarm from Careline365 provides peace of mind both at home and on the go. In an emergency, all your loved one needs to do is press the button on their pendant, and help can be arranged in moments.
When the alarm is activated, an alert is sent to our 24/7 Care Team. They will then assess the situation and inform your loved one’s emergency contacts that help is required. In appropriate circumstances, they will also contact the emergency services.
We offer a range of personal alarms to suit your loved one’s needs. These include our fall detector plan, which raises an automatic alert after a fall, and the GO GPS Alarm, for peace of mind outside of the home.
To find out more about the Careline365 alarm service, read our helpful guide. You can order a Careline365 alarm online today, or call on 0808 304 4510 to speak to our friendly customer service team.