Are you retired? Looking for exciting fun things to fill your time? Look no further as we give you our top things to do in you retirement to keep you busy.
We understand that sometimes during your retirement you might have days where you’re feeling bored or uninspired. Perhaps you’ve taken early retirement and don’t know what to do with your days? Or you’ve just retired and are adjusting to this period of no work routine and need things to fill your time. You might also be well into you’re retirement and need new, exciting ideas of what to do.
We’re here today to give answers to all of these dilemmas by providing you with great and fun activities and ideas that you can do in your retirement to fill your time and keep you busy!
Take Up A Hobby
There’s no better way to keep occupied than taking up a hobby! Whether it be learning to play an instrument, taking dance classes, doing sports, blogging, writing, or gardening. The possibilities are endless.
If there’s something you’ve got an interest in or perhaps there’s something you’ve always wanted to do then retirement is the perfect time to act upon on it and do it as a hobby. Not only will it keep you occupied but also having a hobby has great health benefits such as keeping the brain active and also if it’s an active hobby it keeps physical fitness in good nik!
Go Travelling

If you’re feeling a little more adventurous and wanting to do something really exciting then why not think about going travelling? It doesn’t necessarily mean hiking up mountains and travelling half way across the world to the likes of Australia or Thailand.
Travelling can be either be to exotic places like this or even around Great Britain. There’s also ways and means to travel so all the fuss is taken away and organisations can arrange everything for you. For example there’s European coach tours which take you all over and stop offs with accommodation can be arranged.
Another way you can keep active and busy is to do some volunteering. This could be at a local charity shop, a club or society, for events that are being held nearby or perhaps something further a field.
There’s lots of volunteer websites which can give you good ideas of where to start. All you need to do is a bit of searching, whether it be online, looking at local ads or even just asking around if a volunteer is required. Not only can volunteering keep you active, but it gives a sense of giving back to the community. It’s a really fun and rewarding thing to do, especially if you have lots of time to be able to do it.
Join A Community or Group
Another idea to keep you busy on those days where you might not have anything to do is to join a community or group. There might be for example a speed-watch group in your area you could join where typically they meet up one or twice a month. Perhaps there’s a village drop in centre you’d like to join where you can socialise and arrange trips. There’s also scouts, brownies and various other groups you could get involved with.
Get A Part-Time Job
If you really miss the work routine and having that purpose of going out to earn money, then why not get a part-time job? There’s lots of opportunities for older people to get work. Supermarkets and local shops are great for employing part-time workers.
Not only does having part-time work keep you busy but it also gives you that extra cash in your pocket, great for anyone on a small pension or who worries about finances.
Do a Bucket List

Another fun thing to do which will guarantee to keep you busy and also looking forward to future plans is a bucket list. By creating a bucket list you can put down all the things you want to achieve and do in a period of time.
This can be a bucket list for the year or next five years or even longer. Having an order of importance can really kick you into gear and planning the things you want to do. There’s great examples of bucket lists online.
Get Family Orientated
If you don’t spend much time with your loved ones try to arrange times and days in the week to get together. Perhaps if you have grandchildren, agree to pick them up from school or look after them at certain times or even take them out at the weekends.
We have a great list of activities to do with your grandchildren available to read. Not only will this make you closer but also gives you that time to look forward to.