Introducing your loved one to a smartphone or tablet can be hard enough without also having to think about the apps you’re going to load onto them. Nowadays, app stores for smartphones and tablets are a treasure trove of possibilities. Apps can really aid and enrich the lives of elderly people. We know that everyone leads busy lives, and trawling through app after app to find something suitable may not be plausible. We have compiled some information which will hopefully make choosing the right apps for your elderly parents much easier.
Elderly people may not be as open to the idea of a smartphone or tablet as the younger generation. However, some may find that they can have large benefits. There really is an app for everything these days so you are bound to find something your loved one will enjoy. Here are some things we think your loved one is most likely to use apps for:
- Keeping their minds active and engaged.
- Staying connected with loved ones.
- Reading the latest news.
- Setting reminders.
- Listening to music.
- Reading books.
- Watching their favourite films and television shows.
When looking for an app you will be browsing an app store. This will usually be on either Apple or Android (but most apps are compatible with both). We’ve put together a list of the top apps we think could be beneficial to your loved one to save you doing all the searching.
Top Apps for the Elderly
The Eyereader app is essentially a digital magnifying glass. It’s great for when you are caught off-guard and only have your smartphone available. It utilises the LED light of a smartphone, providing a solution to reading small print in darker areas. It is great for the elderly, as it means your loved one will be able to quickly grab their smartphone or tablet and use it as a reading aid. Eyesight can worsen in older age, so having a magnifying glass directly in a smartphone is helpful. It may also make your loved one feel more comfortable whilst reading.
Evidence shows that keeping the mind challenged and the brain active can help reduce the risk of health conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. With this in mind, encouraging your loved one to complete small tasks, games, and challenges could help them with their memory. Lumosity is a brain training app which allows anyone to train core cognitive abilities. It also offers the option of seeing how the user’s results compare to other users of the same age range, which introduces a bit of healthy competition.

You may have heard of the Amazon Kindle. It is also available as an app. There is no need for a whole bookshelf as your loved one could be enjoying hundreds of books loaded onto their phone. The Kindle app allows the user to easily change font size and background colour. It also has the ability to read the book out loud. This makes it perfect for elderly people whose eyes tire easily. The Kindle app is far more convenient than carrying lots of books around and gives your loved one access to hundreds of books they may not have heard of.
This app helps families keep in touch through photo sharing. Each user who has the app can add photos to it at any point and they will be seen by the whole family in a shared album. This is the perfect app for your loved one or elderly parents as it means you can keep them up to date on family events and days out instantly. If you don’t live near your elderly parents it may make them feel closer to you by seeing photos of you more regularly.
Pill Reminder Pro
Pill Reminder Pro is an app which reminds your loved one to take their medication at a certain time. The app will create a notification on their home screen at a designated date and time. This message shows the medication that needs to be taken, what dosage, and at what time. It is an extremely convenient app which means you will not have to keep checking up on whether your loved one has taken their pills. It also means your loved one does not have to worry about forgetting their medication or accidentally taking it twice. This app could also be used alongside a pill box.
Skype makes calls, video calls, and messaging easy and convenient all within one app. Using Skype, users can make long-distance calls, send instant messages, and video-call any other user. It is free of charge so will save your family member money and it is a simple way to keep in touch if you live in different parts of the country.
Similar apps like Microsoft Teams and Zoom are also available. They allow for video calling and messaging, just like Skype. You can also use them to share documents, if needed.
Netflix is a service that allows you to stream hundreds of films, TV shows and documentaries. A subscription is needed for the service but prices start at £4.99 per month so won’t break the bank. Netflix has a huge range of content from old movies to new. Your loved one will be able to enjoy some old classics from when they were younger and new films and television shows that they may not have otherwise come across.
Park ‘n’ Forget
Parking can be confusing for anyone, especially in a car park with hundreds of cars. Park ‘n’ Forget helps keep track of your car and assists in remembering where you parked. Sometimes in older age we can become more forgetful, so this app is very helpful. It keeps the information of the level the car is parked on, what zone it is in, and even keeps tabs on how long the car has been parked there. This is particularly useful for car parks with a specific time limit.
The Spotify app is essential if your loved one is a music lover. Spotify is a free music service that gives you access to millions of songs and playlists from a huge range of artists, bands and genres. Spotify holds music from artists all over the world, and from all time periods. Therefore, whether your loved one is into classical music or rock ‘n’ roll, there will always be plenty of choice. The app can also be used to listen to podcasts, which can be a great opportunity for additional learning in later life.
Map My Walk
This app is fitness based and helps to encourage people of all ages to get up and do some exercise. The app tracks your walk or workout, lets you speak to other friends who may be using the app, and analyses user data in the app to help achieve goals. The app also comes complete with a range of workouts and activities to give your loved one a helping hand in keeping their fitness levels up.

When choosing the right apps for your elderly parents, take into account what they like doing the most. If they are a music lover give them Spotify. Perhaps you could make them a playlist of songs they love. Avid readers should get Kindle, and you can help them find a new favourite novel. Elderly relatives who want to keep their mind active and sharp should get an app like Lumosity. There are thousands of apps on the market at the moment so there are lots to choose from. You are bound to find something suitable for your loved one.
Careline Alarm
Technology is a huge benefit to elderly people, which is why we are so passionate about our Careline Alarms. Our life-saving service provides help for whoever needs it, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you are interested in purchasing an alarm for a loved one then why not speak to one of our friendly customer service advisers today on 0800 030 8777, or send an email to You can also visit our website and purchase an alarm online, where it can be delivered to you on the next working day.